Get the core curriculum and research-focused professional development
all in one easy-to-purchase package!


AIM Teacher (1 Annual license) – $1,250
Provides detailed lessons & associated content for teaching advanced authentic research.
AIM Student (Up to 15 students) – $1,125
Aligned with AIM Teacher, students receive self-paced, online lessons, assignments & assessments, guiding completion of an authentic research project.

Science Coach Academy – $750
Annual professional development conference offered each June, in-person or virtual. Includes room and board for in-person participants.

Science Coach Webinar Series – $300
Starting in October and contains one webinar per month through March (excludes December). There are five programs in all.

Internship Opportunities – Priceless
Access to student competitive application process for available internship positions. Outcome tracking required.

Purchase Today!