AIM Teacher is Proven Authentic Research Curriculum
Save precious planning time by using our proven curriculum!
Whether you are ready to offer a dedicated advanced authentic research course or want to begin integrating research lesson plans into an existing course, Science Coach can help you with two semesters of curriculum.
Advanced Innovation Methodology (AIM) Teacher contains the lesson plans used by Coaches in our highly successful Science Coach program. This curriculum has inspired future innovators for years, resulting in 89% of our students entering STEM careers and gaining over $1.8 million in scholarships.
AIM Teacher is successful, because it was designed by International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winning research teachers who have experience navigating students through all stages of authentic research projects.
What Is AIM Teacher?
Advanced Innovation Methodology (AIM) Teacher provides detailed lessons and associated content for teaching advanced authentic research and innovation. It is primarily designed for secondary students, but has also been used for lower grade levels. Its features include:
- Step-by-step downloadable/modifiable lesson plans, rubrics, classroom activities, and associated instructional materials.
- Content built around the 5E Model of Instruction and mapped to NGSS, Science and Engineering Practices (SEP), and Cross Cutting Concepts (CCC).
- Clear objectives and timelines to guide student innovators to successful science research projects.
By using AIM Teacher, instructors automatically receive best-practices and evidence-based invention education – all with the primary focus on research methods. Completing this course will prepare students for competitions, science fairs and career readiness, and teach them life-long general education skills, such as critical thinking, communication, and more.
AIM Teacher Is Fully Customizable
When you purchase AIM Teacher, you receive all the curriculum in Canvas. You can access AIM Teacher on your Canvas installation, or Science Coach can host it for you on our Canvas instance. The curriculum is FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE so you can pick and choose what works best for your class.
AIM Teacher is used for the following purposes:
- Curriculum for dedicated research classes, Gifted Programs, after school clubs, or for existing classes that feature independent research projects
- Framework for invention education instruction
AIM Teacher and AIM Student Are a Powerful Combination
AIM Teacher and AIM Student are better together.
AIM Student contains all of the student-facing content that aligns with AIM Teacher and is implemented in Canvas, including:
- Aligned lesson objectives
- Student learning content
- Auto-graded assessments
AIM Teacher guides the teacher in supporting ALL the students while AIM Student provides detailed instruction to guide the student in an independent learning modality. Auto-graded assessment provides the student with direct feedback while they are learning. AIM Student allows the instructor to use classroom time to work on the individual projects instead of focusing on the research methods.
Why add AIM Student?
- Maximize learning in flipped or blended environment
- Focus classroom time on working through the advanced concepts and individual projects
- Save time in starting your class and getting students up and running; curriculum and student-facing content is ready to go out of the box
Once you’ve purchased AIM Teacher, the Science Coach team will onboard you and provide the necessary training to empower you to maximize your teaching.
Onboarding – Self-guided instruction included with purchase:
- What to expect on Day 1
- Accessing your curriculum and login
- High-level overview
Additional customized training options include:
- On-Site Training: $7,500 + actual travel costs
- 6 hours of instructor lead, hands-on training over a maximum of 2 days
- Up to 15 teacher trainees from your school/district may participate
- Virtual Training via Zoom: $5,000
- 6 total hours of instructor lead, hands-on training
- Up to 10 teacher trainees from your school/district may participate
- Just-in-Time Training: $2,500/teacher/year (can be added to any of the options above or selected individually)
- Monthly virtual training available from August to March
- Provides AIM Teacher instruction needed for the upcoming month
Optional Email Support Access: $250/teacher/year – Only available to purchasers of other training options.
- Unlimited email support for one email address for curriculum usage, technical support, best practices for AIM Teacher/Student implementation, etc.
- Direct email to a CONSISTENT knowledgeable Science Coach staff member
- Timely reply commitment
I think AIM Teacher is an invaluable resource! I have utilized many of the modules and incorporated them into my general science research course. My students have a much deeper understanding of the research process and all of its components as compared to how they learned it in a general science classroom.
— Brittany Kelley, Twin Rivers High School
As an experienced research teacher, I find AIM Teacher very helpful because it organizes instruction into easy to use modules that can be used independently or in sequence. I wish I had this when I started teaching research!
—Jennifer Hess, Wentzville, Holt High School